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Updated: May 11, 2020

All photos courtesy of Prissy Sweet Cake Treats

This has been a burning question for me, since meeting Shertora Edlin, the owner and dessert stylist of Prissy Sweet Cake Treats, one year ago. We met at the 2017 Signature CEO Conference and I was introduced to her and her creative play on desserts. Shertora is a standout in the cake/dessert category of the ​event industry in the​ Greater Washington DC ​area. So, I didn't let the opportunity pass when seeing her this year. I wanted to get to the bottom of my burning question ... "What is trending in cake alternatives?" And she was more than happy to share!

NF: What is trending in the sweet treats category of events these days?

SE: Right now, cut out custom cookies are still riding high for events. I do not make them but often receive requests for them as people love intricate details. They like little pieces of sugar art. Every fabulous cookie artist I know is always booked to capacity months in advance because the demand is so high for custom cookies. The cookies are typically sugar cookies and are usually an eighth to a fourth of an inch thick and at least 3 inches in size.

As for the treats I do make, custom cupcakes are still most popular. I make both regular cupcakes and alcohol infused cupcake cocktails. Cupcake cocktails are a staple for adult events. Cake pops follow cupcakes quite closely and then there are the dipped strawberries, mini dessert shooters, candy apples, and custom donuts. I always say it depends on the event. For instance, what is most popular with kids events isn't most popular with adult events. Younger adults, tend to still like dipped rice krispies, dipped pretzels, and chocolate covered oreos like the children. Universally, I would say cupcakes, cake pops, dessert shooters, candy apples, donuts tend to be requested more across the board because while cake is customary, many people actively seek out a variety of non-cake items to have available at their event.

NF: That is very interesting, so do you find that less cakes are being requested for social events​:​ weddings & birthdays?

SE: I do not find that less whole cakes are being requested for events but I do find that more people are interested in variety for their guests. Sometimes a client may not want their total dessert investment to be in a cake when they themselves are not cake lovers. With that in mind, they will request a cake for either photo ops/candle moments or to just be traditional but prefer a mixture of treats and candy for guests to enjoy at their event. There is also the idea of I can spend $800 on this one cake or spend $800 on a variety of treats and desserts that will cover my cake loving and non-cake loving guests alike.  Convenience is often a determining factor as well when people are deciding on cake or cupcakes/treats. A cake automatically means someone has to cut it and serve it to the crowd. Whereas the crowd can serve themselves from a dessert table and there is less cleanup. Opting to not do a cake can sometimes be less costly to clients since they do not have to pay their venue to have someone cut and serve cake for them.

NF: I am not a sweet treat eater so I appreciate variety on a dessert table. I have to tell you, your dipped strawberries are my favorite! OMG ... they are AMAZING! What is your favorite sweet treat to produce for weddings/events?

SE: My favorite sweet treats to produce for weddings and events are those treats that I can totally transform into a work of art that people cannot believe they can eat. The ones they aren't use to. Everyone is familiar with custom cakes and cupcakes but the look on someone's face when they cannot believe that the intricately decorated small discs that lay before them is in fact oreo cookies is hilarious! They them ask, "I can eat this? All of it?" LOL!! The same can be said for candy apples, dipped strawberries, and beautiful strawberry rose towers. It is turning the typical into something extraordinary and unbelievable ... an edible work of art.  A candy apple is no longer just caramel dipped and rolled in nuts. It is wearing a full couture costume and is still delicious ... LOL!! The purpose of custom desserts is to tell the story of the event or the client in each individual dessert or dessert type. When people see it, they cannot believe it! For that reason, I appreciate full creative control from my clients. I like to make my desserts conversation pieces for the event.

NF: And that you do, your desserts are truly conversation pieces! Thank you so much Shertora! I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me and ​I would like to ​congratulate you on being an amazing business woman​ and true artist​.

Everyone, if you aren't following @prissysweetcake on instagram ... please do! She is a sweetheart and a truly gifted artist. Below is her contact information, if you are interest​ed​ in using her for your next event!

Shertora Edlin

Prissy Sweet Cake Treats

Owner & Dessert Stylist

Phone (202) 534-6855

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